27 Sep Jonas Wood Plant Paintings for Gardeners
As you know, Rosewood likes to share art that garden-lovers will enjoy. Each month this year we’ve been looking at modern paintings of flowers. So, for September, we’re showing you one of many Jonas Wood plant paintings. Wood is a contemporary American painter. His main works include large interiors or exterior spaces. However, they often contain plants or leafy wallpaper, as you will see if you click the link to Jonas Wood images.
This small painting, called Clipping A2, is one of many small works depicting individual flowers or plants. All Jonas Wood plant paintings have the hard-edged, flattened appearance of silkscreen prints. Like this one, they’re always decorative, and they tend to be highly stylized rather than aiming for a naturalistic representation. These elements mean that Wood’s work looks a bit like a mix of Matisse and David Hockney.
All of the Clippings series show individual plants, or even fragments of plants. Each one is in the same flattened, simplified, colourful style, appealing to art lovers and flower lovers alike. Clipping A2 is obviously an orchid of some kind, but the others in the series depict all different kinds of plants. Google ‘Jonas Wood Clippings’ and you’ll see a wonderful selection.