Living Walls help wildlife as well as looking beautiful - encourage bees and other pollinating insects, and provide rest and forage for city birds

Living Walls Help Wildlife Too!

It’s clear that vertical gardens can add a new visual dimension to your outdoor space.  They look amazing!  They also provide a green oasis in circumstances where traditional gardens might not be possible.  For instance, if you only have a balcony or small courtyard, a green wall can create a beautiful tranquil space to relax outside.  Just think about the difference between natural plants and bare walls!  These benefits are easy to see. However, you might not have thought about how living walls help wildlife too.

In towns and cities green spaces are smaller and more limited.  This means every plant can help encourage wildlife and support biodiversity.  Plants provide actual habitat for invertebrates like insects.  Pollinators like bees and butterflies can stop for a snack of nectar.  And even birds can use a vertical garden – to perch and rest, and to forage for berries or for the insects that might live on it.

People installing living walls in urban areas will gradually establish so-called ‘green corridors’.  These enable wildlife to move more easily from one space to another.  Every single one could be vital for maintaining or even increasing biodiversity.  If we use green elements like living walls to make stopping places for bees, butterflies and birds, they will hopefully thrive.  Bearing in mind how living walls help wildlife, why not call us and do your bit for urban greening?!