seasonal living wall with changing planting - white pelargoniums for summer

Seasonal Living Wall with Changing Planting

We often say that we plant our vertical gardens to look amazing all year round, with plenty of evergreens and semi-evergreens.  That works perfectly for most of our customers, but have you ever thought of a seasonal living wall?  Some of our clients like to change up their planting several times a year.

If you look at our photo above, you’ll see these vertical planters currently filled with white pelargoniums.  They make a beautiful backdrop for the summer patio – we can’t think of anything prettier.  However, if you look back at our March post, Spring Flower Living Walls, you can see the same garden in spring.  Back at the end of March, the living walls were full of mini-daffodils, for the perfect springtime vibe.

Of course, our year-round planting varies with the seasons as plants come into and out of flower, and have periods of growth and dormancy.  This means our Rosewood living walls make a great hassle-free solution with no further planting required.  However, if you want something completely different several times a year, ask us about a seasonal living wall.  It can be planted for one season, then replanted with something else. We’d love to talk about your ideas with you!