23 Feb Snowdrops and Crocuses: Temple of Flora
As you probably know by now, we like to share art that garden-lovers will enjoy. During 2023 we will be showing you pictures from Robert John Thornton‘s Temple of Flora. This 1807 book was the third volume of Thornton’s great flower book project that explained the theories of Carl Linnaeus, New Illustration of the Sexual System of Carolus von Linnaeus. He didn’t create the engravings that fill this third volume, but the book was his project. You can look back at our January Temple of Flora post for more information about the artists that created the images. Anyway, it was easy to choose our February selection. For some reason this engraving only has the title The Snowdrop. However, it shows snowdrops and crocuses against a still-wintery landscape – perfect for February!
Why do we love snowdrops?
All gardeners get a smile on their faces when the first snowdrops peep through. It’s the first sign of spring, and sometimes it happens even before there’s any perceptible change in the weather. Soon the crocuses add a note of beautiful colour, and birds start singing. Before you know it, spring is in full bloom.
If you love spring bulbs, you might be surprised to hear that they will grow in a living wall. Shorter height varieties work better than taller ones. This means the best ones to choose include snowdrops, crocuses, grape hyacinths etc. It’s also a good idea to mix them in with some evergreen planting to avoid gaps appearing in your living wall. As always, Calum is the best person to advise on what’s suitable in your location, so why not call for a chat?
Give us a ring on 01727 811448 if you’d like to find out more. Calum, our living walls manager, will discuss your ideas and requirements, and answer any questions you might have.